Royalty Vitamin C Moisturizer

115 bought

1.7oz  50mL

You’ll feel like “Your Highness” in this smooth hydrator that is lightweight and still velvety. Packed with Vitamin C to help correct dark spots and get your skin glowing, this fragrance-free cream won’t irritate skin while Sweet Almond, Marula, and Olive Oil help to protect your face from the sun, future breakouts, and moisture loss.

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OFRA Cosmetics
Royalty Vitamin C Moisturizer
115 bought
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1.7oz  50mL

You’ll feel like “Your Highness” in this smooth hydrator that is lightweight and still velvety. Packed with Vitamin C to help correct dark spots and get your skin glowing, this fragrance-free cream won’t irritate skin while Sweet Almond, Marula, and Olive Oil help to protect your face from the sun, future breakouts, and moisture loss.

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